A breast implant is a prosthesis used to alter the size and shape of a woman's breasts (known as, aesthetic breast augmentation, aesthetic breast enlargement, mammaplasty enlargement, aesthetic augmentation mammaplasty) for cosmetic reasons, to reconstruct the breast. Aesthetic Augmentation mammaplasty is one of the three most popular plastic surgeries both in Cyprus and in the world. Breast enlargement, or augmentation mammaplasty, enhances the body contour of a woman who is unhappy with her breast size. This procedure can also correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy or balance a difference in breast size. In some cases where the breasts have sagging or droopiness, a simultaneous breast lift (mastopexy) might be necessary. Aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs can cause increased bleeding, so you should avoid taking these medications for a period of time before surgery.

           During the aesthetic breast augmentation procedure, an implant is inserted through an incision made under the crease under the breast, around the areola (dark tissue around the nipple), or through the armpit. The implant may be placed under the breast tissue (subglandular) or beneath the chest wall muscle (submuscular). I generally prefer Mentor silicone implant (instead of saline) in most of my cases in Cyprus Aesthetic Center. Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure which usually takes 1.5 hours under general anesthesia. Stitches absorb on their own but the incisions are usually covered with tape for 1 week. Most patients return to routine activity within the first week but aerobic activity and strenuous upper body activity are limited for 3-6 weeks. Generally it is necessary to use sportsman bra (without an underwire) for 2-4 weeks.

           Most of my patients ask me if there is another method for breast augmentation other than breast prosthesis. Only method for breast augmentation is the breast prosthesis. The ‘’medical drugs’’ and ‘’natural creams’’ that is aimed to augment the breast must include hormones (mostly oestrogen) although it is claimed that it is natural. These hormones not only impair your balance but also increase the risk of cancer in long term.

         The fat addition (lipoinjection) might be considered in very small amounts and in rare cases. But with the injection of fat for breast augmentation you cannot have the size, the shape and symmetry compare to breast implants. Breast implants have very little effect in lifting the breast so if you have sagging in your breasts it means you need lifting procedure (mastopexy) and/or breast augmentation.

           Another frequently asked question about breast augmentation is ‘’does breast implants increase the risk of breast?’’. The answer is no. after thousands of patients are followed up for decades by FDA (Food and Drug Administration in USA) it is clearly revealed that breast prosthesis does not cause cancer. Every year millions of woman prefer to have breast augmentation surgery.

           All woman who want to have a baby after the operation ask whether they can breast feed their kid or not. The answer of the question is yes. In the operation we make every effort to protect the milk channels and the prosthesis is placed under the breast tissue. The only risk is that if the procedure is performed around the nipple (periareolar approach) some breast milk channel tissue might have minor damage after the operation.

           Breast augmentation will make your breasts fuller and enhance their shape. You will find it easier to wear certain styles of clothing. Like many women who have had breast augmentation, you may have a boost in self-confidence. Aesthetic breast augmentation surgery can improve your appearance and renew your self-confidence, but the rest is up to you like all aesthetic operations.

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