Fat injected into areas requiring volume-enhancement produces safe, long-lasting, and natural-appearing results as volume is replaced to tissues where fat is diminished. Wrinkles and depressed scars can effectively be treated with fat transfer. This can help to soften these depressions and make them less noticeable.

           Fat injection or grafting is a technique that is growing in popularity. Fat is one of most well-tolerated fillers available to aesthetic surgeons, and thus has broad applications. It is natural-appearing, lasts a long time, and is safe. It is an effective filler used for changing body contour, revising scars, filling depressions created by liposuction, and rejuvenating the hands and face.

       The procedure involves collecting fat from one area of the body and reinjecting it into another area to correct a defect. Fat injection can be performed under local or general anesthesia. A fat transfer can be done alone but can also be done in conjunction with other surgeries, particularly facelift or eyelid surgery, to correct any associated wrinkles or depressions, such as the nasolabial lines extending from the nose to the corners of the mouth. The procedure may need to be repeated several times to achieve the desired result. Swelling is the most common post-operative side effect. Most of the swelling settles down within several days to weeks.

            The degree of swelling is most dependent on the area injected. commonly grafted areas include the hands, face (including the lips), and depressions in the skin contour such as those that have developed following liposuction and scarring. Most commonly used areas in Cyprus are nasolabial folds, lips, depressed scars and deep wrinkles in the face. This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia so you can continue your daily routine quickly. It also fullfil one of the most important rule in aesthetic plastic surgery which is ‘’reconstruct like with like’’. 40% permanent results distinguish fat injection from other factory based injectables. Longetivity directly relates to movement of the area. Fat injection is less permanent in continuously moved areas that means it is more durable in nasolabial folds than lips. In some areas in can be applied after Botox injections in order to achieve more permanent results. Natural and long lasting results make fat injections one of the most popular minimal invasive procedure in Europe and USA.

           It is natural-appearing, lasts a long time, and is safe. It is an effective filler used for changing body contour, revising scars, filling depressions created by liposuction, and rejuvenating the hands and face. Fat transfer is adorable for most my patients because it is natural, abundant, allergy free, long lasting. It also has stem cell transfer effect so, as my patients stated; it sometimes make your skin unbelievably ‘’shiny’’ and ‘’fresh looking’’.

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